Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Do We Really Still Have to Go to Career Fairs? The PR is Great, but I Have as Much Hiring Success as at the LA County Fair!

Okay, so some of you are going to hate me for saying this, especially those who are focused on the diversity talent acquisition areas of your companies, but are career fairs just a big gab fest and a great excuse to go travel to cool cities (for the most part), get large bags full of free chotskies, and have drinks with all of your industry buddies??  Really now, how many of you have actually made significant hires at these yearly events?

Of course it's great for company public relations, and having a really cool booth next to all of the other Fortune 500 companies out there makes you feel like you're with a terrific organization.  Also, the time spent both in a working and non-working environment with those in the talent acquisition arena, is priceless when it comes to networking and relationship building (especially if you find yourself looking for new and exciting opportunities in the future!). 

This increased network of professionals could also greatly assist you in sharing of resumes and getting information about new advances in technology and social networking that can build your organization's talent acquisition strategy and take it to new heights.

However, the large costs and effort to attend these events in my opinion greatly outweigh any sort of benefits that may result.  In the future, I recommend we take a hard look at them and make sure that we are putting our dollars where they really count and strategically acquiring the qualified talent for our company needs.  Schoomzing only gets you so far!

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